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To submit a panel proposal, please CLICK HERE

Research and research-in-progress papers

Papers for ECIS cover all aspects of information systems, broadly defined, and may take the form of completed research papers and research-in-progress papers.

Research papers should document established results and be presented to the highest academic standards. Research-in-progress papers may address issues still under development. However, academic rigour is still expected.

Each paper will be allocated to an Associate Editor (AE) who has specialist expertise in the topic of the paper. The AE will identify suitable reviewers for the paper and after the review process will advise the research / research-in-progress chairs as to the suitability of the paper following the review process.

In order to facilitate the identification of appropriate AEs authors should carefully select the keywords that describe their paper. A list of keywords will be soon available on the conference website

Teaching cases

Teaching cases, which can be of the same length as research papers, must be complemented by a Teaching Note that clearly shows (1) the teaching purpose of the case (topic, audience), (2) suggested assignment questions, and (3) the respective suggested / possible answers or analyses to the assignment questions.

Note: Teaching Case submissions without Teaching Notes will not be reviewed. The Teaching Notes, however, will not be printed in the Proceedings as to allow for future teaching use.

Please include Teaching Case in the title of any teaching case submissions.


Panel sessions are 90 minutes long. Successful panel proposals should be able to answer these following questions:

Focus of panel: What is the theme of the panel? Who is the target audience? What will the audience get from attending the panel?

Panellists: Who are the panellists? What position will they represent? Who is going to chair the panel and ensure that it runs successfully?

Structure of panel: How will the panel be structured? How will the panel involve the audience?